
Back in the States

There was quite a bit of confusion and disappointments with regards to Move 3. I really don’t think I am going to write about them. It is a part of the expat life and who knows what the wind will blow in tomorrow. For now, I am back in Houston.

I am not too happy. Don’t get me wrong. I love Houston and the life it offers. The comforts, the stores, the convenience and the friends. It is home but there is a part of me that wants the adventure. The challenge to try yet another city, a country and conquer it in my own way. That need gnaws me every day reminding me not to get too attached to the easy life in Houston.

The mural at IAH airport

The mural at IAH airport

I haven’t gotten in touch with most of my friends (yes yes I mean you). I know quite a few people who are sulking and angry at me. I am sorry. It is just that I need the time to get over the thoughts in my mind and to figure out things. I want to make this move to Houston as seamless as possible for kuttyma. Which means trips to the zoo and museum and library instead of dinners with friends. And let not forget the baggage that comes with starting first grade.

Time has been literally flying and I am still getting overwhelmed at times with everything that seems to come my way. I enjoy this process of settling in just as much as I enjoy the process of packing up.

But yes, I am back in Houston and currently I am staying in one of the “extended stay hotels” living out of 4 suitcases, a trip to the outlets and a pressure cooker. Life my friend is good.


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