She sees the birds of paradise flowers. I have a love affair with these flowers and am oohing and ahhing over them Her: It looks like a tail mommy or a snake There goes my love affair Continue reading
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Kuttyma Says
One of her latest favorite books is “Fox in Socks”. Filled with silly tongue twisters and she nevers gets tired of repeating the lines of Dr.Seuss. You can read the text here. Her Continue reading
At 3am, Her: Sleeping is not easy mommy and yes she has been up since 3am ************* One evening after school Me: What did Ms.X teach you? Her: She teach me Mandarin Me: I know she teaches Continue reading
pro·found adjective \prə-ˈfau̇nd, prō-\ a: having intellectual depth and insight b: difficult to fathom or understand ************************************** For someone all of 3 years old she has Continue reading