“I am going to kill the person who asks me what my weekend plans are” snarled Priya at her reflection. “Public restrooms were a notorious place to have a conversation to begin with and then she Continue reading
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April A to Z Challenge 2014
They called her names. They flocked her. They idolized her. Loved her and worshipped her. I let them. That was probably my first mistake. I should have stopped them and I could have. I could have Continue reading
“Polka dots madam? Pink with white dots. Matches your dress. Perfect fit. No. Not pink? I have other colors – red, black, green, blue – all colours of the rainbow” the sales boy went through his Continue reading
“Breathe in Breathe out. Relax” she coached herself as she stretched out on her yoga mat. Under the canopy of trees, she lay stretched out breathing in and out. The fixed morning routine gave her Continue reading