How long is 10 years in terms of pain and loss? Does pain reduce in 10 years? Does pain taper down? Does it grow exponentially? Does it disappear? Does it play peek-a-boo? Does the feeling of Continue reading
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My Zen Spot
1) I cannot get over the cuteness of this book. I need to find a copy for kuttyma. The next time she says ABC is no longer my friend, I am going to read this book to her [Via Brain Pickings] 2) Continue reading
I met with Houstonians and those who moved to Houston to seek their fortune last month. The minute I told them I was in Houston for a vacation they predictably sniggered. They cannot understand Continue reading
1) Cyclone Dylan hits parts of Queensland where I live. I had been following its progress and just thinking how alike/different they are to the hurricanes in North America. The study of the Continue reading