

November 9, 2011

I grew up around plants. We had huge gardens at home and I have great memories of lazy summer afternoons lying in a hammock and eating ripe guavas. I hated weeding and watering but it comes with the territory. Gardening was one of my childhood chores and I picked up a love for plants along the way.

Moving the US – the plants were alien. I could not understand how plants could be different in different countries. I missed the familiarity of the plants I grew up with. I found it hard to relate to a pecan tree. It does sound like I am some kind of tree whisperer right? relating to plants and trees? but I do not have a better way to word it.

I learned about bluebonnets and petunias and more during my 7 years there. I had no other option – I learned to love them

The past couple of days as I walked around with kuttyma in Singapore, I have been pointing plants to her – plants I can identify. Plants I can relate to. Plants I grew up with. The jackfruit tree, the touch-me-nots, the wild cherries, the hibiscus, the bougainvilleas, the mango trees. the birds of paradise and more. I could identify trees and flowers.

I look forward to walking with kuttyma, identifying plants and passing on to her some of what I know. It is amazing how plants make a country so familiar. The plants make transitioning to Singapore a lot easier

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