
Goodbye 2014

2014 – the year started in Houston and ends in Australia. As always I wonder where I will end 2015 in. I have no clue. We will be soon  moving to our next destination. The cardboard boxes are out and I am doing the donate, trash and keep system to keep sane and avoid craziness at the end. And, as always I dream of living somewhere exotic. Somethings never change despite the years. Keep your fingers crossed for me, will ya?.

How has the year been? I look back – more out of habit than necessity. I know it has been a good year. I hit most of my resolutions. I lived, loved and laughed. 2014 was good.

2014 was the year of “Project Me”. I invested in myself. It wasn’t a easy journey but I am proud of where I am today.

I read. More than I wanted to. I wanted to slow down my reading process and soak in a book. (More about my 2014 reads here) Unfortunately I seem to be perpetually hungry for the next book. Maybe I will be a better reader in 2015.

I wrote. I challenged myself and am still figuring out my inspirations and motivations. But I am glad I wrote. I should just write more. And a little beyond that. My writings traveled beyond Poohsden and I hope it is a journey that continues.

I worked hard to get over my insane fear of water. Now I can step into a pool and actually not freak out. I am no way comfortable in water but I am getting there.

The blog kept me sane and rooted. I kept my vows and made sure I had posts scheduled. I tried some new stuff on my blog – collaborations, working with authors and brands. I don’t have strong opinions on either of them. I think I will follow my instinct and be part of anything that catches my fancy.

The family drove me crazy and kept me sane. Yes, like always.  I think I grew up more than I expected to this year.

I am discovering new lands as a parent. It scares me. I am sure the fear will continue well into 2015 and beyond.

I made new friends and spent time with old ones. I realised I need the support of friends more than ever. I hope to be a better friend in 2015.

I explored Australia – not as much as I would have liked to but enough to make me happy. What a beautiful country! Everyone should spend a couple of months here. I hope I will have a chance to visit this place again.

I battled allergies and lost. I refused to panic at the sight of a lump on my breast (which turned out to be some infection and nothing serious).

Goodbye 2014

Goodbye 2014

It has been a wonderful year overall. I lived 2014. I felt alive in 2014. Here is to a great, healthy year ahead!


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