Goodbye Australia
And it is time to say goodbye. The boxes have been shipped out of Australia and I am out of the country. I don’t feel sad or down. I am glad for the experience and the opportunity. Gladstone was an opportunity I seized (ignoring the consequences) and I am glad I did. It did open my eyes to a whole new world.
I envied the Aussies and learned to add an “-ie” to pretty much every word I utter. Brekkie, Kiddie, Barbie (for breakfast, kindergarten and barbecue respectively). I never learned to stop gasping at the sight of the kangaroo hopping by. Cockatoos and galahs made me happy. I never mastered the art of ignoring the kookaburra’s laugh.
I met people – people who will forever be remembered with sadness and happiness. I discovered more of myself and places too beautiful to be described by words. I know I will be back, vacationing in Australia soon. The country has so much to offer and I have barely scratched the surface.
Goodbye Australia and hello Houston!
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