
Motor Colours of Gladstone

When Kuttyma was younger we used to play a game while on the road. We will pick a colour of the day and every time we saw a vehicle of the corresponding color we would scream the colour in multiple languages. It was a great way to keep her occupied and get observing instead of distracting her with a gadget or a book.

If you have ever taken sometime to observe the cars that pass by as you travel you will notice a drastic lack of colour. Whites, Greys, Black, Maroon, Reds and Navy Blues are the common ones. It is very rare to see cars of other colours. Taxis at times are more vivid but not personal cars.

Gladstone changed it all. The cars here are vivid. Atleast one in 4 cars is either purple, yellow, robin blue, orange or green.I could not believe my eyes.I have seen the most colourful and vivid personal vehicles here (Bangkok takes the award for the city with the most colourful commercial trucks).. I see them so frequently that it gives me a chance to brighten my eyes.I wish I could click more pictures but I pass most of these cars while driving.



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