
Oh she says

She is turning to be a chatterbox. She talks non-stop and really mean it. It is quite a challenge keeping up with her. Here are some gems worth remembering


She was fiddling with the home computer and I told her to stop it. I suggested she play with her computer (Leapfrog pink and purple toy)

Her: I want a big computer – a big white computer not pink and purple to do my work mommy


We were discussing features of the Iphone and Ipad while she was seated on the potty throne. She knew that the buttons were similar. Suddenly

Her: I do not have an Iphone mommy.

I nod my head

Her: Can you buy one? I want it

Me: You can have one when you are 18 years old.

Her: I grow big, have 4,5,6 ….18 birthday and you get me a Iphone

Me: Yes kanna. (She obviously did not realize how long 15 years will be – but I got away from it this time around)


We were in the taxi and she kept chattering non-stop and suddenly she breaks into ABC. In between she starts blabbering (or so I thought)

Taxi Driver Uncle: Oh she is counting in Mandarin

Me: Oh yeah – she knows some Mandarin. I do not know it.

Her: (showing off) We are in a “hóng sè” taxi mommy

Taxi Uncle was very impressed and was singing her praises


We were talking something and our conversation went like this

Her: What is this? ( pointing to a Christmas wreath)

Me: Christmas Wreath. Christmas Decoration

Her: Why Christmas decoration

Me: Christmas is coming that is why

Her: Why is Christmas coming?

Me: (Frustrated and a little devilish because it cannot go

Her: Why cannot it go?

Me: (I gave up folks) I do not know kanna and sigh

Her: It is hard – very hard right?

Me: What is hard?

Her: Being a mommy is very hard

I must have been whining way too much huh?


  1. Goodbye 2013 | Pooh's Den

    January 2, 2014 at 12:24 am

    […] plunged into reading challenges and discovered worlds I never knew […]

  2. pooh

    December 19, 2012 at 11:42 am

    @Raji – thank you 🙂 Yeah as I mention often she scares me

  3. raji

    December 18, 2012 at 5:47 pm

    Ohh thats really sweet!! Especially, the last one!!!
    “Being a moomy is veryy hard!!!” That is very profound and empathetic, for her age!!!!
    loved it!

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