Out of the toddler’s mouth
Me: Ganesh mama and Sivaram mama are coming to visit you
Her: “Thopa Ganesha” and “Sivan sami” coming home to see kuttyma?
I bet she was quite disappointed her mamas did not look like her storybook illustrations of Lord Ganesha and Lord Siva 🙂
Seeing an pamplet ad for a pizza place
Her: I want a slice of this and this.
Me: What? Why? (I seriously could not believe that my daughter can associate the words pizza and slice together. She must be learning something in school)
Her: So that we can all eat Mommy!
During dinner one night,
Her: I want jelly
Me: Finish off your dinner and then you can have jelly for dessert
She prompty forgot about it and it was sleep time. She did not want to sleep (nothing new here) and I was trying to be the patient mom. She suddenly gets up from bed and starts crying (the oppari style)
Her: Where is my jelly? I eat all my “mammu” and no jelly. (She is super dramatic – her hands are shaking and she is pointing to herself and crying and talking in English)
Me: Ok you want jelly right? I will get some for you
Her: No. I eat all mammu – you said jelly. Oh my God! (shakes her head in disgust)
Ultimately she did not want to eat her jelly either. She just did not want to sleep
Me: Baby, can you throw this into the trash please?
Her: Trash in kitchen?
Me: or in the bathroom.
She gets the piece of paper from my hand and starts to walk away
Her: Say “Thanks Kuttyma” Mommy.
On Skype with grandmother,
Grandmother: So where does XYZ live?
Her: Some place (followed by giggles)
She was monkeying around jumping from sofas and such
Me: Careful doll
Her: Me doll?
Me: Yes you are my doll – my kutty doll
Her: Nice
She jumps around a few times and I carry on with my work
Her: Say “Careful doll” mommy
Following the pattern
Her: Achoo Achoo! Say “bless you kuttyma” Mommy
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