
Q: Questions

Often I feel my childhood was filled with awkward questions. There were the usual questions teachers threw at you and the boring ones family, friends and strangers asked. Ever had a stranger ask , “Who do you like better? Mom or Dad?” Irritating right?

Had a conversation like this with your parent?

Parent: Which dress do you like better? A or B

You: Both

Parent: Come on! I know you are picky. Which one do you like?

You: *After staring at 2 identical dresses in different shades of the same colour for a few seconds* B. Yes I like B.

Parent: Why don’t you like A?

Questions – awkward, genuine and silly, a haiku for them


So many questions

Can we stop the rapid fire?

Why should I answer?


My likes, dislikes, more

Many questions adults throw

Why? How? When? What? Where?


I reply, you play deaf

I ignore, rude you declare

Witty, cheeky you cry


Don’t want to grow-up

I plan to be a cricketer

Can I please go now?


I don’t remember you

I love and hate my parents

And siblings too


Teacher’s Name? Friend’s Name?

Maths or Science or Language?

Yes, I have grown tall


Same boring questions

Why are grown-ups so cliched?

My question to you.

Come back tomorrow for R: RSK

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