
Singapore fascinations

The eyes of the 2 year old sees Singapore very differently than I do. Things that fascinate her in Singapore

1. Green Man

Walking all over the place we wait for the pedestrian crossing lights to turn green and it is usually time for a quick traffic rules and color identification lesson

2. Diggers and Cranes

Construction sites around the city fascinate her to no end. She loves them

3. Myna birdie

She tells the myna birdies about the crows that visit her in Chennai every morning

4. Fountains and water walls

Her love with water continues – fountains and water walls are a standard fixture all around Singapore and she loves them

5. Touch-me-nots

I can spend hours touching the leaves and watching them react to my touch. Obviously my daughter is not like me. She wants to move on but she likes talking about these plants

6. Buses and trains

Even when I want to take a taxi and get to my destination faster my daughter is not interested. She loves the public transportation system. The double decker buses especially

7. Waffles

Singapore coffee shops and bakeries are filled with waffles and she wants them all the time. It does surprise me to see waffles so famous here.

8. Escalators

Yes the bug has bitten her and she loves stepping on them by herself

9. The Flyer

This big wheel has her bewitched. She loves seeing it. We did make a trip on it – now she wants to go on it everytime she sees it

10. The Merlion


  1. pooh

    January 27, 2012 at 4:54 pm

    Thanks Vishva – don’t be a stranger here – stop by often 🙂

  2. vishva

    January 25, 2012 at 7:57 am

    cutie pie .. hehe .. she is enjoying Singapore her way 🙂

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