
This summer in the kitchen

The icecream machine has been out too often and I am loving it

Here is an icecream machine recipe for frozen mango yogurt and an alternative to an icecream machine is to make it into smoothie pops

2 cups yogurt (Fat free works fine)

1 cup sweetened mango puree

1/2 cup sugar or according to taste

Blend everything well and throw it into the ice cream machine for 20-25 minutes and let it do its magic.

If you do not have a ice cream maker – pour it into individual small plastic cups (I usually set out small cups on a cookie sheet), cover with a plastic wrap and put it in the freezer for about an hour. Now the tricky part, use a knife cut slits in the wrap and insert ice cream sticks. Put it back in the freezer for a few hours and tada smoothie pop sticks. Yummy treats and healthy too.

You can pretty much use any fruit you like and cut the sugar to make it more healthier

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