
Thought Dump

A move is like a puzzle. Numerous pieces, scattered around. They all need to come together, one piece at a time. And there in front of you is a gorgeous scene. Now it is time for all the pieces of the puzzle come together for Move 3. The waiting game continues and my mind gets muddled with swirling thoughts. Thoughts that may not make sense but thoughts that deserve to be documented.

Every move changes me. I look at myself differently. I learn to do things differently. I am sure even without moving I would change but moving makes me aware of these things. The small things that I left behind at the old place. The difference stares back at me and demands to be acknowledged and celebrated.

Moving helps me realise how fluid time is. The uncertainties, the vagaries and the regrets. I realise how different people are. It is quite flabbergasting to watch how people on earth are all similar yet different. We do things differently. We eat differently. We celebrate differently but we all feel the same – pride, anger, joy and ecstasy – they drive us.

Now as I stand at the verge of Move 3, I am more jaded. More realistic. More clear. I am glad for the path I have taken. The meandering wandering road. I have learned to enjoy the journey – every step and misstep too. I have learned to not fear losing sight of the shore. I have learned not to focus on the destination. I know the odds. Now, I know the chances of failing is equal to the chance of succeeding. I am ready for the challenge.

I am glad I have learned to ignore the subtle “settling down” hint (and the not-so-subtle ones). I have learned to squash the randomly popping up need to call a place home. I have learned. I have evolved. I have spread my wings.

Move 3 is almost here


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