
Unpopular Opinions

Unpopular Opinions

Everyone has unpopular opinions. Opinions that work for them in this crazy world. I try to be judgement-free on these unpopular ones but it is hard.

As COVID-19 tightened its grips around our everyday lives, I overshared about the impacts of the virus in my otherwise private, boring and rather monotonous life. With co-workers, friends, strangers, the ones with whom I shared lunches when I was 6 and what seems like the whole world. We found comfort in connections.

Often, I used it as an icebreaker or when the silences go awkward in those calls I took from my bedroom. It always worked. But 6 months into this pandemic, impacts of the virus and the stories of my family being cautious isn’t something I want to talk about. Even the topic of virtual schools have become something I don’t want to talk about.

I have my own opinions and feelings about the pandemic and they may or may not be the same as someone else’s. Defending my choices and fears is something I rather not do. It is sort of like my political views. The world is ready to pounce on anyone with opinions – popular or otherwise. It is not that my beliefs are better or stronger, but what works for me will not work for majority of the world. Remember the time when people told you that your newborn will sleep through the night if you followed ABC technique and then you had a kiddo who didn’t sleep through the night till he was 2 years old?

Coming back to unpopular opinions, here is mine: I love this world I have created isolated from many during the pandemic. The comforts of staying at home, working at home, working out at home, dance classes at home, doorstep deliveries – oh my! What a luxury! I can totally live like this. Possibly forever.

What is your unpopular opinion? I promise I won’t judge.

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