Archive for the ‘General’ Category

What next?

Tuesday, January 29th, 2008

With quite a bit of traveling in 2007 (NY, Niagara, Phoenix, Seattle, New England and Hawaii) we need to now build our travel fund again before we head out anywhere. And a new job and a proposed trip to India in 2008 are more excuses for us not to travel. But that does not mean this space will see no activity. We plan to write about our old trips and in the works are San Antonio, Germany and Caribbean cruise. R already has a few wonderful photos from these trips in his blog. Check them
here, here and here and oh yeah I missed this

We also plan to write about all the small towns in Texas we stumble upon! Watch out for action!


Thursday, August 30th, 2007

Welcome to Scary-on – The travel tales of V, R and Baby I

Our travels always include good food, nature, wildlife and amazing architecture! We are both nature lovers and our list of places to see is long and never ending! And the worst part of travel? the luggage! fitting in the necessary stuff within the baggage limits and managing the huge carry-on backpack which is our scary-on containing R’s camera stuff and Baby I’s diaper bag. Armed with a tripod, assorted lens and camera stuff, filter, polarizers, maps, print-out, guidebooks, reservations, binoculars, diapers, wipes, blankies, blinkies, toys, good eats and anything you can dream of we are ready to explore the world. Jump in to check our travel tales through the world.
Baby I has joined us and our travels will also focus on kid-friendly locations and activities.
See the world through our eyes and our lenses!
Bon Voyage!