
Days lazing at home
AC on, and so is the TV
Cuddled up close with my family
I’m finally in Chennai

Eating home-made food
Reading my old comfort books
Peaceful as can be
I’m back in Chennai

Family all around
Reconnecting face-to-face
No need for tiny screens
I’m in love with Chennai

Can’t wait to see the sights
Back after two years
Old and new combined
I’m marveling at Chennai

Packing up slowly
Never wanting to leave
But school starts again soon
I have to leave Chennai

Flying away through blue skies
Knowing I’ll be back soon
To this wonderful, wonderful place
I’ll always come back to Chennai

Bridges: A Poem

Bridges are a marvelous thing
Sometimes magical and mystical
Sometimes unnerving

Used to transport things
One point to another
Maybe because we don’t have wings

Strands of wire, rock, or steel
Beautiful designs and
Colors too! From orange to teal

Amazing things, so many ways
To create a brand new design
I must give praise

Postcards- a poem

Page upon page upon page
From all around the world
The paper is their stage

Pages worn and curled
All of the colors, red to white
The cards still unfurled

All of them are a marvelous sight
Full of beauty and dazzle, uniqueness and more
The date and giver written to the right

On one a monument, on another a bookstore
Even more with jungles and houses
And even a beach shore

The postcards are diverse, every color and size
They truly are the most elite prize

This poem is written in the form of a Terza Rima! This type of poem is originally Italian and follows a unique rhyming pattern (aba bcb cdc, etc.) I hope you liked my terza rima!

My Peace Poem

For my English class, I made a poem about peace and how I would describe it. I hope you like it!

Describing Peace

Peace is a view
One for everyone to see
Maybe it’s when the sun dips
Over and out, on the beaches of Hawaii

Peace is a sound
To be heard everywhere
A bunch of friends, perhaps,
Laughing without a care

Peace is a taste
Let everyone try
Like ice cream dripping down the side of your cone
While you join your friends nearby

Peace is a smell
Candles all lined up in a row
Quick, come and take a sniff
Before we start to blow

Or maybe peace is a feeling
For both you and me
The familiarity of chlorine infused water
Or swimming in the sea

A warm blanket, snuggle in
With your friends and family close
Because peace is a feeling
Much better than most

The Galileo Thermometer: A Poem

10 little balls

Filled with water and food coloring

I see red, pink, orange, blue, and more

A little tag is attached to them

With a temperature

Ranging from 96 degrees to 60

A simple thermometer

Easy to use

Read the temperature tag on the last floating ball

and Voila!

That’s the temperature

Snowpocalypse 2021

Blankets of snow cover the ground
Millions of people with their power out
Houses and trees and cars all covered in ice
Doesn’t feel great, but looks somewhat nice.

People without water, their pipes have burst
No price gouging is a rule that has been enforced
There is a boil water notice on all tap water
I hope that it soon gets hotter

Goodbye 2020

The sun sets, marking the end of 2020
Starting a new year

The sandpiper runs
Towards a brand new year,
or away from a horrible, disaster filled 2020?
Or is it just looking for food?

I run
Laughing and playing with my family, carefree
But also cold,
and hoping the new year will soon come

Happiness runs
With all of us, making its way to the finish line,
the start of 2021
We will find it on January 1st among the ordinary things.

The sun sets with all of us running,
and it will rise to a new year
Another 365 days, before the next year
Let’s use these days wisely

Friendship: a poem

I wrote the poem for my WITS writing camp with the prompt “Choose an abstract feeling and use concrete words to describe it”. Here is my poem.

Friendship is your favorite ice cream on a hot summer day
a tasty and welcome treat

Friendship is being yourself.

Friendship smells like a warm ocean breeze,
inviting you in.
It smells like citrus,
calming and relaxing.

Friendship feels cozy,
It feels like you are cuddled in fleece,
cozy and just for you.

Relax and just
be happy,
with ice cream,
next to the ocean,
or at home,
You’re with your friends

We All Sing America

We All Sing America

We all sing America,

The future dancers, teachers, and musicians. 

We all sing America,

We are here to protect and defend our culture,

no matter where we came from, because

We all sing America

the Indians, Japanese, and Australians

We all sing America

the land which keeps us free

We all sing America

everyone who lives here

We all sing America

and we stand together for everyone to see

I wrote this poem as a part of my WITS writing camp. Happy July 4th to everyone!β€πŸ€πŸ’™


Courage is trying something new

Courage is following your heart even when you’re not sure

Courage is knowing when to stop, but still being able to step out,

just a little bit,

out of your comfort zone

Courage is helping,

Courage is doing,

Courage is being kind.

We are made of courage

and we are here because of courage.

We need to be brave for ourselves and others.

In this world, we need to be courageous and share our voices. We need to be kind and open-minded. Be brave and kind! We can do this