Banned Books

This week is Banned Book Week! In honor of that, I wrote a poem and decided to share it with you. I hope you enjoy!

If books around the world are getting banned?
Who is there to represent?
Must we only learn about the classic,
Fair skin, straight, with no problems?

Why do books get ruled offensive?
So what if characters aren’t the norm?
Isn’t that why they were put into these books in the first place?
Isn’t that what makes people happier to see them?

To see yourself reflected in books,
Isn’t that a marvelous thing?
But banning books, the opposite
Removing all the reflections

Moving forward, past these bans,
Seems impossible, a nightmare to face
But we keep reading banned books
And we keep learning, and growing, and being reflected

What are some of your favorite banned books?