Our Friendsgiving Party

Recently, we hosted a Friendsgiving party, inviting a lot of family friends to spend time and have fun with us. I really enjoyed this party as well as how we planned for it.

It was a full spread, inspired by the traditional Thanksgiving foods. However, we decided to add an Indian twist to them. For example, we had pumpkin sambar, pumpkin idlis, white pumpkin raita, butternut squash parata, and white pumpkin pachadi to name a few. I also loved the apple cider we had, as it was mixed with ginger ale, giving it a fizzy and overall delightful taste.

The food wasn’t the only attraction. We decorated the house with oranges and golds to highlight the idea of fall and Thanksgiving. Some of these decorations included an orange garland of fall leaves as well as a gold FRIENDSGIVING sign and many, many bouquets of flowers.

Have you ever hosted a Friendsgiving party? How was it?

Friendship: a poem

I wrote the poem for my WITS writing camp with the prompt “Choose an abstract feeling and use concrete words to describe it”. Here is my poem.

Friendship is your favorite ice cream on a hot summer day
a tasty and welcome treat

Friendship is being yourself.

Friendship smells like a warm ocean breeze,
inviting you in.
It smells like citrus,
calming and relaxing.

Friendship feels cozy,
It feels like you are cuddled in fleece,
cozy and just for you.

Relax and just
be happy,
with ice cream,
next to the ocean,
or at home,
You’re with your friends