January’s Top Books

This is a new feature which I’m introducing on my blog. At the end of every month, I’ll write a list of around 5-7 books which I really enjoyed reading the month. Hope you enjoy!

Best Books I read in January 2021

  1. The Magnus Chase Series by Rick Riordan
    This series is about Magnus Chase, a 16 year old boy who lives in Boston. He’s homeless and has two good friends, Hearth and Blitz. But when he accidentally dies, he opens up a whole new world of Norse myths and legends. These books are really amazing and they’re definitely one of my top.
  2. The Giver by Lois Lowry
    This is the first book in a quartet. Jonas, a 11 year old boy, lives in a “perfect” world where there is no poverty, war, or overpopulation. But good things, such as music and color have also disappeared from their lives. When he meets the Giver, he finally learns what his life is, and what it could be. I really enjoyed reading the series, with all of the suspense and twists. It’s an amazing book.
  3. Beyond the Bright Sea by Lauren Wolk
    This book tells the story of 12 year old Crow, a girl who was abandoned and now lives off the coast of Massachusetts. She wants answers about her past, almost desperately and her two guardians support her, though a bit reluctantly. I loved following Crow in this journey to learn about who she really is. It’s a great book!
  4. Miss Marple: The Complete Short Stories by Agatha Christie
    This book contains mysteries, some of which have almost never been solved. Miss Marple is a old lady, who has seen and learnt more than anybody could guess. I loved reading about all of these puzzles and how Miss Marple outwits everyone else every time. This is one of those books my parents have also read and enjoyed. It is fun talking to them about it.
  5. Aster’s Good Right Things by Kate Gordon
    Aster is a young girl who doesn’t feel special at all, but she goes to a school for gifted kids. The only way she copes is by doing her “good, right things”. As a young girl with an anxiety disorder, she believes that the world will fall apart if she stops. Then she meets Xavier and she starts having fun. I really enjoyed the book about finding friends and support.
  6. The Remarkable Journey of Charlie Price by Jennifer Maschari
    I loved this amazing book about dealing with grief. Charlie has been noticing that his sister’s been acting unusual. He follows her to another world, one where his mom is still alive. He’s happy….at first. He realizes that something is wrong though. With the help of his friends, he comes up with a plan to escape the other world for good. I really loved this book and the magical element to it.

Mint Girl Reads What Stars Are Made of by Sarah Allen

I recently read the book, “What Stars Are Made Of” by Sarah Allen. It’s a book that makes you want to laugh and cry at the same time.

It’s about a 12 year old girl, Libby Monroe, who is born with Turner syndrome. This impacts how she acts in certain situations, but it doesn’t make her any less of a determined girl. When her big sister, Nonny, announces that she is pregnant, Libby is thrilled. She decides to make a deal with the universe. If she is able to give credit to Celia Payne, a lesser known scientist , through a Smithsonian contest, then Nonny’s baby will be fine. She tries hard to get Celia into her school textbook, but when that doesn’t work, she is heartbroken. Along with her friends though, she creates a new stunning project.

I loved learning about how Libby overcomes her shyness and is able to show who she really is in this book. I think it was a sweet book and I could never put it down.

In this book, y0u will learn how Libby makes friends and comes to realize that she is perfect, just the way she is. I really enjoyed reading this book and thought it was amazing. I definitely recommend you to check out this book if you haven’t read it.

4 Graphic Novels I Enjoyed

Graphic novels are almost like normal books. They capture a lot of the same emotions and talk about problems in the same way. The only difference is that they are usually lighter and more fun to read. Here are some of my favorite graphic novels.

  1. Raina Telgemeier books

I absolutely love the graphic novels that Raina Telgemeier writes. She writes many different ranges of books. 2 of my favorite books by her are Smile and Sisters which talk about her experiences with mouth troubles and her relationship with her sister. I also enjoy her graphic novel take on the novels written by Ann M Martin. The Baby-Sitters Club series is so lively and it’s one of my favorites. I also love her stand alone books.

2. Go With The Flow by Lily Williams and Karen Schneemann

This book talks about periods and how one certain middle school never had pads and tampons stocked up. It is really exciting and I love how the authors tied in the theme of friendship in as well. Each character’s personality is so different and I loved the idea of protests. This is such a great book and you should totally read it!

3. 5 Worlds series by Mark Siegel and Alexis Siegel

This series is so captivating and exciting. Each graphic novel ends with an enthralling cliffhanger and makes you want to read the next book. It follows the story of Oona Lee and her friends who are trying to save the 5 worlds from extinction. There are so many plot twists and everyone has secrets. I love the fantasy element and it’s so fun to read! This is a great series and the last book is coming out soon!

4. Emmie and Friends series by Terri Libenson

This series is so upbeat and I love the problems and solutions. It’s really fun to read and each book can be read as a stand-alone or a series. It’s one of my favorite series, because of the realistic characters. It’s so fun to read and I always can count on Emmie, Brianna, and Jamie (even though I haven’t read her book yet- it’s on my TBR) to cheer me up. This is such a great series and I really think you should read it.

What are some of your favorite series?