Hummingbirds- a research article

I wrote this non fictional piece of writing as a part of my school’s English class. It’s about hummingbirds and what makes them one of the coolest birds.

Have you ever seen a hummingbird flitting around, flying in the breeze? Maybe you’ve seen one hovering, flying backwards, or upside down? Hummingbirds are amazing birds that have so many built in features. They are one of the coolest birds in the animal kingdom. Don’t believe me? Let me tell you why.

Hummingbirds belong to the Trochilidae family. This family is made up of the 340 different species of hummingbirds. Out of the 340, 17 species regularly live in the US. You might be asking, well, where do they live? The cool thing about hummingbirds is that they can live anywhere, from deserts to places like Alaska to tropical forests. Many of the ones that live in the US live near the Mexican border, but not all do.
Some of the recognizable features of the hummingbird is their long bills and small wings. These long bills help them get nectar from tubular shaped flowers. Another discernible feature is their gorgets. Gorgets are stiff, reflective feathers on the throat and upper chest that look black in the shade. When the hummingbird turns its head to catch the sunlight, the true color is displayed. This color is usually metallic and intense and it can range from a dark magenta to a deep purple. These colors can fade over time with exposure to the sun. Typically, only male hummingbirds have gorgets, but some females do have one. For the males, gorgets are used when mating, and the rare female that has one will use as a way to signal threats.
Hummingbirds are the smallest birds and they only weigh around 2-20 grams, meaning they’re about as heavy as a mouse at their biggest. They also lay the smallest eggs, which are about the size of navy beans. Female hummingbirds usually lay 2 eggs which they incubate for around 15-18 days. The chicks leave the nest when they are around 18-28 days old. Hummingbirds’ hearts can beat anywhere from 225 beats per minute to 1,200 beats per minute.
Hummingbirds can go into torpor, a mini state of hibernation. The only difference is that these birds can do it whenever they want, not just in the winter. They don’t stay in it for long either, only around 20 minutes to an hour, instead of a few months or weeks. Hummingbirds go into torpor when it gets too cold, as their feather provide poor insulation. They only wake back up when they can regain their body temperature of 105°F.
My favorite fact about hummingbirds is how much agility they have while flying. These are the only birds which can hover in one place for more than 30 seconds, fly backwards, and fly upside down. Their wings don’t flap, instead they rotate, which makes them different from other birds. Another difference is that they don’t fly flat, they actually fly upright. Hummingbirds can also fly for up to 18-20 hours straight. Their wings beat about 70 times per second in normal flight and around 200 times per second while diving. These birds can fly at an average speed of twenty-five to thirty miles per hour, and dive at a speed of up to sixty miles per hour.

As you can see, hummingbirds are amazing birds. They can live almost anywhere, they are a huge species, they have many recognizable features which play a big part in their life, they are one of the smallest birds, they are part of the small number of birds that can go into torpor, and they have a lot of agility when flying. Now, when you see a hummingbird, don’t forget what marvelous creatures they are!

Sources: ⭐

My classes

I’ve seen different news channels reporting that many kids are failing this school year and that online classes are not effective. But, I have seen that my grades for virtual school have not dropped a lot. There was a slight decrease for the first 6 weeks, when I was trying to understand the way middle school operates. But I have been working hard and my grades are good. I wanted to share with you some ways my teachers have helped my with my classes and some tips for virtual schooling.

My school currently uses a hybrid model for school. About 50% of the students do virtual learning and the rest go in-person. The teacher has some kids in front of them and others behind a computer screen. I am doing virtual, but I am hoping that once I get COVID vaccination I can go to school safely. The in-person students also bring their computers with them to school, and they log on the call from there.

My school setup:

I have a laptop which is connected to an external monitor (I have found my dual monitor setup to be very helpful). I also have a stylus and a pencil stand nearby. Next to my desk are notebooks for (almost) every subject, a binder to store my project work, and a few mechanical pencils, pens, and highlighters.

In my computer, I use the Snip and Sketch tool frequently. I also like to use Google drive for my notes (this includes docs, slides, and sheets) and my teachers use Peardeck frequently. Another item is use is the Microsoft Whiteboard. These tools on my computer and at my side have helped me a lot when it comes to virtual learning.

My First Class : English

In my English class, we have just finished a unit on inferences. Since I go to an IB school, we ended the unit with a project! I made a small comic which we could draw 3 inferences from and shared it with the class. It was pretty fun and I enjoyed the making of it.
I don’t find the virtual or in-person classes to be very different. I would expect the same level of teaching that I get in a virtual setting if I were in an actual class. The only difference is instead of printed homeworks and sheets, I access them through an online portal and I type my answers on my computer.

Class 2: Theater

I am currently working on a sound project with my ensemble in theater! We are creating a play (only audio, no visuals) in our groups of about 4-5 people. Working together is a bit hard, as we’ve got people in-person and people who are virtual, but we’ve realized good ways to connect and talk easily, using different platforms like Zoom and Discord.
Our teacher has told us how different our units would be if we were back in campus safely and how we would work. I’ll admit, I wish I was back in-person, especially for this class, but I have learned different online tools to make my projects better.

My third class: Math

In my math class, we usually learn about our topic on hand using an online interactive slide called Peardeck. In this platform, we can type out our answers and draw on it, like Google Slides, the only difference being that the teacher has full controls and is able to share different responses. We also use Imagine Math a lot for our homework purposes where we can get practice with the topic we’re working on.
The best thing that has helped my through my math class is my dual monitors. It helps me so much when I can keep the meeting on my external monitor and my Peardeck on my computer screen (since it’s a touchscreen, it makes it easier to write on). I also like having a few scratch papers by my side to use for calculations, because in a virtual world, all the questions are on my computer screen.

My 4th class: Spanish

Spanish has been one of the most fun experiences I’ve ever had. Our teacher is super nice and it’s one of my favorite classes. Another great thing about Spanish, is that every other Friday/Thursday (depending on our schedule), we have a “Game Day Thriday”. We normally play an online game called Gimkit, where we get to review our Spanish vocabulary while having a lot of fun (like competing who can take out who on the leaderboard). Gimkit also has different variations making our games so much fun
I really like having dual monitors for Spanish as well (especially game day Thridays).

Class 5: MUN (Model United Nations)

In this class, we make our own imaginary countries (ICs) and get a chance to develop them however we wish. Some of our countries rely on magic, while others use science for their daily needs. Some places are located next to a black hole, and some are lost in the deep depths of the oceans. We also learn other skills, like debating and MUN meetings.
Some fun things we do in MUN are IC game day Fridays. On every Friday we have class, we will all split up into 1 of 3 rooms. Our teacher will then come to each room and give us a problem or idea which we have to solve or develop. It gets super crazy sometimes, because of our different ideas, but it’s always fun. After our idea is created, we go back to the main meeting to share it. Another awesome thing is our “scavenger hunts”. There are 2 small stuffed animals hidden around the classroom. The inperson students will try to find a well hidden one, while the teacher gives the virtual students a clue on where to find the other one. One thing that I’m super excited for this year is the Imaginary Country festival. In this festival, we have a chance to show off our countries and our skills.

My 6th Class: World Cultures (or Social Studies)

In World Cultures, we get to learn about different parts of the world and how life goes on there. Using sources like videos and newspaper articles, we get to learn about many features of the places we’re studying. Right now, we have started learning about Sub-Saharan Africa, and we have recently finished the Middle East. It’s a great way to learn about the world, bit by bit. We also get projects based on the area we’re learning about like when I made the Dome of the Rock from objects around my house.
Our teacher uses Peardeck a lot more specifically the typing feature. It is an easy way to interact with the teacher while staying virtual. I have found having an external monitor for this is pretty useful. I’ve also used tools like Google Maps more for the purpose of studying the places.

Class 7: Drill Team

Drill Team is what I take for PE (physical education). It is a performance dance, where we learn new items for competitions. We have currently already learned 2 items and are learning a third. We start every day off with a “dynamic warmup” in which we move through a series of stretches that will keep our muscles moving. Each week, we learn a new technique (we’ve been working on some hip hop techniques for a while) and practice it in class. We also learn a new bit of choreography on the dance we’ve been working on. Every Thursday or Friday, we submit a video with the technique and choreography for that week.
If we happen to have drill team on a Friday, then we get to have a “Health and Fitness Friday” where we have a video to watch and follow along with (the video is usually another kind of dance or a workout), then we do an activity on health. We have been working on MD Anderson’s Aspire program for the past few weeks, and are starting something new soon.

Class 8: Science

We are currently learning about energy (thermal energy, to be specific) in my science class. My teacher selects certain videos from different sources for use to use and learn from. Using these videos we are able to extend on the topics we have talked about. Our teacher uses Peardeck frequently, so we can use interactive material to show our understanding of materials. We are also allowed to use a calculator for our calculations, sometimes making the process easier. The topics are explained in a way easy to understand, which is why I really enjoy this class.
I miss doing our experiments, but we do get to see some being done through videos.

I really wish that we could go back in-person without COVID. Our teachers have mentioned the fun activities we normally do, and I really wish we could do them. Luckily, everyone has adapted to the new hybrid model and are continuing to make learning fun. I’m a lot more connected and comfortable with technology now. I’ve learnt tips and tricks and my typing is faster.

Stuck in my head

Have you ever had a song stuck in your head that refused to budge? That happens to me pretty often and here is the true story of what happened during the most recent song-stuck-in-head episode.

A song that was stuck in my head recently was “Rather Be With You” from Descendants Wicked World. It has a fun beat and repetitive rhythms that stick in your brain. This is what happened that day.

I had just split into my small group for virtual learning. Since it was the first week of school, we were supposed to play a team building game. Unfortunately, technology was not on our side that day. The PowerPoint presentation we were supposed to work on didn’t open, so we decided to play some ice breaker games.

We started with “Two truths and a lie”. After we had all played and guess, there was an awkward silence while thinking of what to do next. Someone suggested that we play “Would You Rather?” and we all readily agreed. We all started thinking of, and asking the “Would You Rather?” questions. That’s when I started thinking of the song, “Rather Be With You”. The lyrics of the song have funny “Would You Rather?” questions like

Would you rather wear a shoe made of glass or
fall asleep in your class?
Be grounded under the sea or
help the beast with his fleas?

That’s how the song stuck to me for half a day. What was the last song that got stuck in your head? What were you doing when it happened?

The Mint Girl’s Thoughts on Quarantine Rules

Lately, like most of the kids around the world, I’ve been having online lessons instead of going to my school. We created some online essential agreements and I started thinking about some of my previous in-person classroom rules and how they have changed. Last week, our teacher assigned us a few questions about the new situation we are in. I decided to share them here.

What are some rules that you think are important for us to follow as members of the community?

This one required some careful thinking, but I came up with a few rules that I hope everyone follows. 1. Take care of others and realize how your actions could affect them.
2. Think about how we can help or hurt others before we do something.
3. Realize that some people have different rules or different strengths/ weaknesses.
4. Have fun together no matter where you are in life and what’s happening around you.
5. Be kind to yourself and to others.

Do you view rules positively or negatively?

I view rules positively, but they can make me feel negative sometimes. I think rules are good, but sometimes they can feel annoying. For example, I’m not a fan of the social distancing/lockdown rules, but I know that they are being kept to protect us and keep us safe during the quarantine. Most rules are made to keep us safe or keep us in order. These rules might feel constricting, but they are made for our own good.

What is a rule that is hard for you to follow?

A rule that is hard for me to follow is going to bed on time. I always want to keep reading, or drawing, or playing instead of going to sleep. I don’t like sleeping and it takes me a while to go to sleep, so I usually lie in my bed until I drift off. This time for me is very boring.

Compare and Contrast rules at home to rules at school.

At school, I find it much easier to focus and pay attention, but through online learning, many people are talking, there’s background noise, and people could be texting you. It’s much harder to focus and that is very annoying if you’re trying to work on a project or an assignment.

What are the rules of Social Distancing and how have they affected you personally?

Since we have to be 6 feet away from each other, I miss hanging out and playing with my friends. I can text them, but it just doesn’t feel the same. One good thing about this situation is the online learning. I think it’s fun and I like being able to stay at home without driving too far for some of my classes. I also like having Lunch Bunch and hanging out with my teacher and my friends.

Rules can be good or bad, but they’re there for a reason. As community members, it is our duty to follow them as much as possible. What are some of your quarantine rules?