4 Reasons Why You Should Read Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Percy Jackson and the Olympians is a great series by Rick Riordan. There are ups and down, laughter and tears. It’s full of mythology, but also has an added touch which you’ll discover if you read the books. Each book leads into the next, and I can guarantee you won’t be able to put it down.

1. The Characters

I love learning about the characters ups and downs and how they have progressed through the story. It’s so fun to see how much they’ve matured and changed throughout the course of 5 books. (In which the main characters age from 12-16). I especially love the realism and how the characters seem to come to life in my head. It’s a crazy ride, starting from barely knowing someone to crying when they die.

2. The Plot

What would a good book be without a good plot? This series has funny moments and tearful moments, moments of extreme joy, and times where you hope for the best. With unexpected twists at every page, what you expect is never what’s going to happen. The plot always makes me want to go back and dive deep into the book. Rick Riordan writes in so much detail that it’s always a great read.

3. The Mythology

Rick Riordan takes Greek mythology, then twists it to come up with the most marvelous things. These books include heroes like the Greek gods and goddesses and monsters like the minotaurs or empousas. I’ve definitely learned a lot from this series. While it might not be totally accurate, I definitely know a lot more than I did 2 years ago.

4. The Other Series

There are so many other series born out of this one. Currently, the Percy Jackson universe has come to a close, with 5 series, but you never know. Maybe we’ll get another one. Everything starts falling into place as you read the other series, especially the Heroes of Olympus. It’s so amazing to keep seeing these characters growing and changing in front of my eyes, through, and I am really excited to read the other series.

I’ve had so much fun while reading this series. I really enjoy these books and I totally encourage you to check out all of them!

My classes

I’ve seen different news channels reporting that many kids are failing this school year and that online classes are not effective. But, I have seen that my grades for virtual school have not dropped a lot. There was a slight decrease for the first 6 weeks, when I was trying to understand the way middle school operates. But I have been working hard and my grades are good. I wanted to share with you some ways my teachers have helped my with my classes and some tips for virtual schooling.

My school currently uses a hybrid model for school. About 50% of the students do virtual learning and the rest go in-person. The teacher has some kids in front of them and others behind a computer screen. I am doing virtual, but I am hoping that once I get COVID vaccination I can go to school safely. The in-person students also bring their computers with them to school, and they log on the call from there.

My school setup:

I have a laptop which is connected to an external monitor (I have found my dual monitor setup to be very helpful). I also have a stylus and a pencil stand nearby. Next to my desk are notebooks for (almost) every subject, a binder to store my project work, and a few mechanical pencils, pens, and highlighters.

In my computer, I use the Snip and Sketch tool frequently. I also like to use Google drive for my notes (this includes docs, slides, and sheets) and my teachers use Peardeck frequently. Another item is use is the Microsoft Whiteboard. These tools on my computer and at my side have helped me a lot when it comes to virtual learning.

My First Class : English

In my English class, we have just finished a unit on inferences. Since I go to an IB school, we ended the unit with a project! I made a small comic which we could draw 3 inferences from and shared it with the class. It was pretty fun and I enjoyed the making of it.
I don’t find the virtual or in-person classes to be very different. I would expect the same level of teaching that I get in a virtual setting if I were in an actual class. The only difference is instead of printed homeworks and sheets, I access them through an online portal and I type my answers on my computer.

Class 2: Theater

I am currently working on a sound project with my ensemble in theater! We are creating a play (only audio, no visuals) in our groups of about 4-5 people. Working together is a bit hard, as we’ve got people in-person and people who are virtual, but we’ve realized good ways to connect and talk easily, using different platforms like Zoom and Discord.
Our teacher has told us how different our units would be if we were back in campus safely and how we would work. I’ll admit, I wish I was back in-person, especially for this class, but I have learned different online tools to make my projects better.

My third class: Math

In my math class, we usually learn about our topic on hand using an online interactive slide called Peardeck. In this platform, we can type out our answers and draw on it, like Google Slides, the only difference being that the teacher has full controls and is able to share different responses. We also use Imagine Math a lot for our homework purposes where we can get practice with the topic we’re working on.
The best thing that has helped my through my math class is my dual monitors. It helps me so much when I can keep the meeting on my external monitor and my Peardeck on my computer screen (since it’s a touchscreen, it makes it easier to write on). I also like having a few scratch papers by my side to use for calculations, because in a virtual world, all the questions are on my computer screen.

My 4th class: Spanish

Spanish has been one of the most fun experiences I’ve ever had. Our teacher is super nice and it’s one of my favorite classes. Another great thing about Spanish, is that every other Friday/Thursday (depending on our schedule), we have a “Game Day Thriday”. We normally play an online game called Gimkit, where we get to review our Spanish vocabulary while having a lot of fun (like competing who can take out who on the leaderboard). Gimkit also has different variations making our games so much fun
I really like having dual monitors for Spanish as well (especially game day Thridays).

Class 5: MUN (Model United Nations)

In this class, we make our own imaginary countries (ICs) and get a chance to develop them however we wish. Some of our countries rely on magic, while others use science for their daily needs. Some places are located next to a black hole, and some are lost in the deep depths of the oceans. We also learn other skills, like debating and MUN meetings.
Some fun things we do in MUN are IC game day Fridays. On every Friday we have class, we will all split up into 1 of 3 rooms. Our teacher will then come to each room and give us a problem or idea which we have to solve or develop. It gets super crazy sometimes, because of our different ideas, but it’s always fun. After our idea is created, we go back to the main meeting to share it. Another awesome thing is our “scavenger hunts”. There are 2 small stuffed animals hidden around the classroom. The inperson students will try to find a well hidden one, while the teacher gives the virtual students a clue on where to find the other one. One thing that I’m super excited for this year is the Imaginary Country festival. In this festival, we have a chance to show off our countries and our skills.

My 6th Class: World Cultures (or Social Studies)

In World Cultures, we get to learn about different parts of the world and how life goes on there. Using sources like videos and newspaper articles, we get to learn about many features of the places we’re studying. Right now, we have started learning about Sub-Saharan Africa, and we have recently finished the Middle East. It’s a great way to learn about the world, bit by bit. We also get projects based on the area we’re learning about like when I made the Dome of the Rock from objects around my house.
Our teacher uses Peardeck a lot more specifically the typing feature. It is an easy way to interact with the teacher while staying virtual. I have found having an external monitor for this is pretty useful. I’ve also used tools like Google Maps more for the purpose of studying the places.

Class 7: Drill Team

Drill Team is what I take for PE (physical education). It is a performance dance, where we learn new items for competitions. We have currently already learned 2 items and are learning a third. We start every day off with a “dynamic warmup” in which we move through a series of stretches that will keep our muscles moving. Each week, we learn a new technique (we’ve been working on some hip hop techniques for a while) and practice it in class. We also learn a new bit of choreography on the dance we’ve been working on. Every Thursday or Friday, we submit a video with the technique and choreography for that week.
If we happen to have drill team on a Friday, then we get to have a “Health and Fitness Friday” where we have a video to watch and follow along with (the video is usually another kind of dance or a workout), then we do an activity on health. We have been working on MD Anderson’s Aspire program for the past few weeks, and are starting something new soon.

Class 8: Science

We are currently learning about energy (thermal energy, to be specific) in my science class. My teacher selects certain videos from different sources for use to use and learn from. Using these videos we are able to extend on the topics we have talked about. Our teacher uses Peardeck frequently, so we can use interactive material to show our understanding of materials. We are also allowed to use a calculator for our calculations, sometimes making the process easier. The topics are explained in a way easy to understand, which is why I really enjoy this class.
I miss doing our experiments, but we do get to see some being done through videos.

I really wish that we could go back in-person without COVID. Our teachers have mentioned the fun activities we normally do, and I really wish we could do them. Luckily, everyone has adapted to the new hybrid model and are continuing to make learning fun. I’m a lot more connected and comfortable with technology now. I’ve learnt tips and tricks and my typing is faster.

My 2020 NaNoWriMo Experience

This year, I decided to try something new. During November (National Novel Writing Month), I wrote a story, or at least part of a story everyday. It was hard sometimes, but I had a great time working on it.

Usually, most writers aim to write around 1,500 words a day, but I decided to do a mini experience with 300 words per day.

Here are some NaNoWriMo experiences.

Lazy Days:

Some days, I had absolutely no idea what to write about. My advice for those days is to keep pushing on, maybe you’ll get an idea burst.

Idea Bursts:

Idea Bursts are amazing. They basically are a whole cloud of ideas, so that you can write a ton of words for a while without stopping.

No Story Arc:

When I started this experience, I did not have a plan in mind. I started writing without a plot line and just built my story around my previous writing.

Writing the Ending:

One day, I had an (almost) lazy day. That’s when I decided to work on the ending. I couldn’t think of anything of write at the point I was at, so why not try to write an ending? I had a lot of fun with it, and it helped me get unstuck that day.

I have written 11,573 words in total! I am going to edit my story in December, and I will definitely share some more of my experiences then!

5 Things I am Thankful For

2020 has been a strange year. There is the whole COVID-19 pandemic, and small other things that make this year feel like the worst. However, if you take a look at your day to day lives, you’ll see quite a few things which make you grateful for the life you’re living right now. Here are a few parts of my life I’m grateful for this Thanksgiving.

  1. Getting into the middle school I wanted- I was very, very nervous leading up to the middle school selection deadline. One day, my mom announced that I had gotten into the school which I had wanted, and all of my worries vanished. I’m currently attending that middle school and really happy there!
  2. My teachers- My teachers, old and new, were always kind and helpful to me. They have helped me through my struggles and always been there for me. They always incorporate a bit of fun into the learning for a great day.
  3. My friends- even though I can’t meet up with my friends, that doesn’t mean I can’t have fun with them through online chats and video calls. I love hanging out with them and they incorporate a lot of fun into my day!
  4. Books- books are always there for me. I love to pick up a random book and dive into its pages and stay immersed in the story until I have to leave. Books are another fantastical world for me and they are an amazing way to pass the time.
  5. Technology- if not for technology (meaning laptops, phones, computers etc.) then I would not be able to attend my classes, not be able to learn much, and not have a “school” to go to. Because of my laptop and other important devices around me, I can learn, talk to friends, and make new friends. Technology is awesome, just because of that.

Those were some things I am thankful for in this strange year of 2020. What about you? What are you thankful for?

How to make a Quick and Easy Payasam

This Diwali, I learned how to make a simple and quick payasam. It was delicious and I really enjoyed the making of it, so I decided to share the recipe with you! By the way, this is a shortcut payasam which takes only about 15-20 minutes.


  • 3 tbsp warm milk
  • 1/4 tsp cardamom seeds
  • pinch of saffron
  • 1 tbsp ghee
  • 3 tbsp chopped nuts (you can also add raisins)
  • 1/2 cup roasted seemiya
  • 2 1/2 cup warm whole milk
  • 1/2 cup condensed milk


  1. Soak the saffron and cardamom in the 3 tbsp warm milk and set to side.
  2. In a non-stick pan, heat ghee, and fry nuts.
  3. Once the nuts are golden brown, remove and put on a plate.
  4. In the same pan, add the seemiya.
  5. Add the 2 1/2 cup whole milk to the seemiya.
  6. Let it cook for 7 minutes.
  7. Now add the condensed milk.
  8. Add the nuts and the saffron/cardamom/milk mixture.
  9. Let it simmer for 3 minutes.
  10. Enjoy!

Happy Deepavali!

A light shines in dark times
Hope follows behind
For it is Deepavali

Spend time with family, friends
Play games, eat good food
For it is Deepavali

Done for today, time to sleep
Go to bed, happy
For it is Deepavali

I hope you enjoyed these haikus about Diwali! Happy Deepavali to all of you reading this!

My 2020 #mgbooktober posts

Last month, I participated in #mgbooktober on Instagram. #Mgbooktober is a fun book challenge which requires you to post something every day. I decided to share a few of my favorite posts on my blog as well. You can check out my other posts on Instagram and hopefully follow me!

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Day 12 of October and #mgbooktober ! Today’s prompt is a book that got you out of a reading slump. I don’t really have reading slumps, but if I just need a book to read, I always go for this one. I love reading the ending in which Sophie realizes who she really is and knows that she is and will always be loved by Agatha, even if it doesn’t always feel like it. This scene is so sweet and always brings tears to my eyes. If you haven’t read this series, I totally recommend it to you. Current Reads: 1. Of a Feather by @daynalorentzbooks 2. The Elephant’s Girl by @celesta_rimington #schoolforgoodandevil #sge #ilovethisseries #ilovethisbook #lovethisending #amazingbook #sophie #agatha #anadil #dot #hester #tedros #theschoolyears #thecamelotyears

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Day 24 of October and #mgbooktober ! Today’s prompt is a fictional book setting you wish you could visit. I have always wanted to go to Camp Half-Blood and meet the demigods like Percy, Annabeth, or Piper! Ever since I started read this series, it has been my dream. By the way, I’m a daughter of either Poseidon or Athena. What about you? Current Reads: 1. A Woman in the House (and Senate) by Ilene Cooper 2. The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart Unexpected Reads: 1. The Bookshop Girl by Sylvia Bishop 2. One Last Word by Nikki Grimes #camphalfblood #percyjackson #percyjacksonandtheolympians #heroesofolympus #demigods #halfbloods #campjupiter #goodseries #goodbooks #annabethchase #pipermclean #7demigods

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Day 26 of October and #mgbooktober ! Today’s prompt is a book that made you laugh. I love this series and Mr Lemencello’s crazy and wacky imagination. It’s so amazing to just open a book and fall into a new world with magical and bizarre games. This series has taken me on a wild ride and I am constantly excited for the next one to come out! Current Reads: 1. The Graveyard Book by @neilhimself 2. Over the Underworld by Adam Shaughnessy #mrlemencello #thetitaniumticket #chrisgrabenstein #goodauthor #greatseries #ilovethisgame #ilovethisseries #ilovethisbook #thisissuperfunny #boardgames #kylekeeley #akimihughes #miguelfernandez #sierarussel #andrewpeckleman #charleschilington #ireadmgbooks #ireadmglit #ireadmg #ireadmgfantasy #ireadmgfiction

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3 Spooky Reads for This Halloween

Halloween is a great time to explore some spooky reads. That’s why I have put together a list of 3 great Halloween reads.

  1. Coraline by Neil Gaiman
    This spooky book talks about family, friendship, and courage. This book is perfect if you want to have a bit of a scare, but not that much. The whole idea of the book is fantastical and I love it. This has definitely been one of my favorite books this year and I definitely recommend it to you.
  2. Ghost Squad by Claribel Ortega
    This book talks about friendship and family. I got immersed in the story of the 2 friends, Syd and Lucely and their crazy adventure with ghosts. The magical element in this book was perfect and I know that I definitely loved it. I totally recommend this. It was such a great book!
  3. Nightbooks by J. A White
    This book is a modern day Scheherazade story, just woven a bit differently. It talks about friendship and trust and how you can overcome someone with love. The idea of the magical witch, Natasha, is enough to give anyone shivers down their spines, but as you continue reading and get a closer look at her life, you start to realize what has happened leading to her. An amazing and spooky read, perfect for Halloween.

These are some of my favorite Halloween reads! What are your favorites?

A Spooky Tour

I wrote a brochure for a ghost tour that takes part in Houston and Galveston. Here it is!

Hello and welcome to Ghosty Graveyards, the best ghost tour out there! In this brochure, I will be explaining all the spooky sights you’ll see on your tour! 

First, the bus will meet you at Finn Hall at 8:00 PM sharp. We suggest that you eat a good meal there before you board. Trust me, you will need to eat well.

While we ride the bus to the Niels Esperson and Mellie Esperson buildings, you’ll have the chance to take a good look out the window. It’s a short ride, so be ready to hop off as quickly as you came in! 

So, let me tell you a bit about the building (these facts plus more will be told during the tour). Mellie Esperson had the Niels Esperson building made for her husband, you guessed it!, Niels Esperson. He was a real estate and an oil tycoon. Right next to his building is Mellie’s building. Mellie’s building is not very tall and is constructed in a very different fashion. Mellie’s ghost haunts the elevator, making it malfunction and close and open randomly.

Now after those 15 minutes spent there, we’ll get back on the bus for the 3 minute (yes, only 3 minutes) ride to the Julia Ideson Building. You’ll listen to violin music on the ride there and you’ll find out why in a few seconds. 

Ok, so we’ve arrived at the Julia Ideson building! In November 1936, 79 year old groundskeeper, Jacob Frank Cramer died. When he was alive, every night he would go to the 3rd floor and play his violin. Nowadays, you can hear him and his dog late at night, making music. Sometimes, you’ll even see his sheet music scattered around! 

Let’s hop back on the bus. We’re going to go to the Spaghetti Warehouse. It’s a 5 minute drive so buckle in and relax (as much as you can on a ghost tour of course!)

We’re here! The story behind the Spaghetti Warehouse is that the pharmacist living here died by falling down the elevator shaft. His wife died soon after that. Now, they haunt the second floor by making objects float, rearranging furniture, making dishes dirty, tapping guests, and pulling their hair. Sounds pretty creepy, huh?

Now we’ll take a one hour drive to Galveston Island to see my personal favorite ghost appearance. This is where your electronics come in handy. We would love to hear a few ghost stories or cool (and creepy) facts about ghosts that you may discover! Also feel free to take a nap, we’ll wake you up when we reach. 

Well we’re there! Do you hear anything as you clamber out of our bus? Perhaps the flapping of sails? Maybe the cry of voices? If you do, look out to the horizon. You might see a ship. Now you might think “A ship! We see ships all the time!” Well, this isn’t a normal ship. It’s the ghost ship of Pirate Jean Lafitte. You might have heard of him. On November 1821, Jean Lafitte’s ship was ambushed and he was taken prisoner. The ship was said to have sunk somewhere around Galveston Island in the years 1822-1823.  Look! There it is! Do you see that magnificent ship sailing across the waters? It’s name is Pride and I think it certainly looks prideful. Well, that’s all for today, everyone! I hope that you definitely consider coming on my tour. You’ll learn even more crazy facts! After all, where else would you see a ghost ship? Thanks for reading and we hope to see you on our next ghost tour! 

Being The New Kid

Being the new kid is never easy, especially when it seems like everyone knows everyone. I wrote the fictional personal narrative based off of my experience as a new kid in dance class. This was a submission for my assignment in my Language Art class

I open the door to the dance room uncertainly and peep in. Kids are milling around, talking to each other happily. I gulp and step in, nervous. All the chatter comes to a stop and it feels like every eye is on me. The teacher catches my eye and nods, and I take a seat near the back of the room. I listen to the excited conversation, only catching a few words or sentences, and start wishing that I had bought a book. The teacher, Ms. Nair, clears her throat and we all stand up and start warming up. After we’ve warmed up, Ms. Nair says, “Let’s see Jimikki Kammal from Nimmy, Rithika, and Megha.”  Their dance is fun and energetic. Ms. Nair smiles, then scans over the group of kids watching. “Let’s have Niharika, Lipi, and Tara join them. I know you girls don’t really know the dance, but try to follow along. ” she says. I get up nervously and join the other 5 girls standing. As I start dancing, I remind myself to loosen up and have fun. The music starts and I nervously begin dancing, watching the other girls like a hawk, trying to pick up the dance moves. As the music goes on, I start relaxing and actually start getting immersed in the dance. At the end, Ms.Nair smiles, looks us over once again and nods. She hands us a costume to practice in and my mind spins. I’m in a dance group already! A girl who danced with me, Lipi, says, “Hey, you dance really well. Do you want to be friends?” I smile and accept her invitation. I’ve already made a friend! I’m really sad when practice is over and we have to leave for our next class. I’m very excited for the next class and what we will do there.