British Colonization

In our English class, we got the assignment to write a non-fiction essay about any topic we wanted. I decided to write about British colonization and the extremely negative impacts of it. I hope you like it!

British colonization has left a negative imprint on all the countries affected by its invasion. Many ideas that define the countries were lost to this colonization. Countries’ progressive ideas were lost because of British colonization, like female rights in India, Two-Spirit in many indigenous cultures, and samurai and generals in Japan.

In Indian mythology, there have been many instances of strong female characters, such as Devi, Parvati, Saraswati, Kali, and many, many more. These characters are all incredibly powerful and have been the reason wars are won. This inclusiveness shows how powerful they can be and how they are a part of everyday life and culture.
The Vedas themselves state that, “Where women are worshiped, there the gods dwell”, showing how important and deeply rooted women are in Hinduism. Strong female characters emerge from all corners of the mythology to prove time and time again that women and men are equal.
However, all of these myths and livelihoods died down because of British rule and are not very popular today. Now, in India, many women feel persecuted and have to face abuse and poverty, going against what is defined in the Vedas, the ancient and sacred script, meaning that the effects of British colonization live on today in India.

In Japan, during the 1500s-1600, all men who had a high rank had a boy/male lover accompanying them in the battlefields. All men of rank had these lovers documented, except for one example only. As Keiko Akagi, someone who is originally from Japan has said, “It was almost mandatory custom to have a male lover [for feudal lords], especially for higher ranking ones”,and “It’s almost men’s etiquette to have it [a male lover] at that time”.
While Japan was never formally colonized by the British, it was incredibly influenced by western culture, especially through the period of the 1800s- 1900s. During this time, many of these traditions were taken away, almost purged. Even today, same-sex couples are not allowed the same legal protection that opposite-sex couples are allowed to have and Japan is known to be extremely homophobic.

Two-Spirit is an Indigenous term, where a person might have diverse cultural, spiritual, sexual, and gender-wise identities. It is an umbrella term that varies depending on each nation, but encompasses one main idea of someone who is not cisgender or heterosexual.
As the Provincial Health Services Authority says, “Before colonization, Two-Spirit people were included and respected as valued community members, often holding revered roles”. However, the main keyword here is before colonization. With the British values that came along with colonization, so came the erasure of Two-Spirit identities. They were cast out and occasionally killed, leading to a harsh environment for many people who identified as Two-Spirit.
Today, increased amounts of homophobia and transphobia exist because of this colonization, which can harm Two-Spirit people quite a lot.

Opponents might say that the British didn’t actually mean to spread these ideas and never wanted to in the first place. However, when in India, the British solidified the caste system and placed women at the very bottom of it. So, the British did in fact spready sexism/homophobia where they went. Many countries’ progressive ideas were lost because of British colonization, like female rights in India, Two-Spirit in many indigenous cultures, and samurai and generals in Japan.