The Taj Mahal

Recently, I got to visit the Taj Mahal, in Agra. It was a marvelous opportunity and I really enjoyed walking around the grounds and learning the history of the magnificent tomb Shah Jahan had built for his wife.

The Taj Mahal, along with its surrounding architecture, took 22 years to build (around 1632-1648). This work was completed by around 20,000 artists along with a team of architects who supervised them. These dedicated and hardworking builders lived in small rooms constructed around the Main Gate. The building itself combines Persian, Islamic and Indian styles, as Mumtaz (the wife Shah Jahan had built the tomb for) was Persian. In the tomb, Shah Jahan and Mumtaz are buried together, deep underground, in a small cavern that visitors are only allowed to see in the spring months (the month fluctuates as it is decided based on the Islamic calendar).

During this time in which the Taj Mahal was being built, Shah Jahan didn’t pay much attention to the politics and how India was running. Because of this, his son, Aurangzeb, put him under house arrest in the Agra Fort, where he could see the Taj Mahal being built. There is a tradition that states that Shah Jahan wanted his own mausoleum, made of black marble, opposite Mumtaz’s. Unfortunately, he was imprisoned and therefore was unable to ever construct this structure. Therefore, he and Mumtaz were buried together.

Have you ever been to the Taj Mahal?

Kites at the Beach

This summer I got to spend some time with my cousins! It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it a lot. During this time, we went to the beach and we got to fly kites! I really enjoyed this experience, so I decided to write about it.

Windy beach, kites
flapping through the clouds, dipping
up and down then up

Strings, reeling out as
the kites fly high over
the waves, up and down

Laughs, as we run side
to side, hoping the wind will
move our kites up

Tired, ending the day
with games, winning small prizes,
thrilled with this fun day

What’s your favorite beach activity?

Monahans Sandhills

As well as visiting White Sands, we also visited Monahans Sandhills, a state park. While it wasn’t as unique or as big as White Sands, it was still marvelous in its own way.

Sandhills always change
And they are ready for it
They move with the slightest push of the wind

The Monahans dune field
Stretches 150 by 22 miles
It protects sand, plants, wildlife, and habitat

The sand comes from mountains
Specifically, the Southern Rocky Mountains
Weathered to tiny pieces, they have turned into the sand we know today

Caliche underlays these dunes
Trapping water and storing it
Creating a water table that serves plants, animals, humans

The park isn’t all sand though
See the park in spring or summer
And marvel at the yellow, the pink, the white, the rainbow of flowers

Meet the animals of the park
Watch them move around, camouflaged
the crickets, the deer, the javelinas

Monahans Sandhills
A park of many wonders
When will you go?

Have you visited any state parks?

Why Crafting is Important

Recently, while I’ve been staying in India, I’ve been doing a lot of crafting. From crafting kits to crafts made from old pieces of paper I’ve found, crafting has been something I’ve done every day. It’s been a perfect way to show my creativity and a great way to relax. Arts and Crafts are often regarded as unimportant, but this is a view I believe should change.

Students who study art are 4 times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement. They are also 3 times more likely to be awarded for school attendance. I think crafting (and arts in general) is an important part of both school and our daily lives and should be implemented more because of the way it benefits school lives and mental health.

Many people don’t realize how studying art or at least taking part in it is extremely beneficial to the studious part of their lives. In countries that mandate the arts, like Japan, Hungary, and the Netherland, schools are often regarded as some of the best in the topics of math and science. In The No Child Left Behind Act clearly mandates the arts (for example music, languages, and art) as core academic subjects. Multiple studies have also shown that extracurricular art activities/studies help keep students in school longer. Brain research also shows that crafts improve skills in math and reading, as well as promoting creativity, social development, and self-worth.

Crafting is a simple, yet effective way to improve mental health. As stated in the last paragraph, crafts promote creativity, social development, and self-worth, 3 major influencers in mental health. Art (or crafting in general) is proven to help you recognize feelings lurking under the surface, greatly boost your self esteem, and relieving your stress. Furthermore, creating things gives you a healthy coping mechanism/outlet which isn’t destructive and allows you to create something you can call your own. Creating art also takes your mind off of your everyday life and therefore provides a distraction from things that could be worrying.

As you can see, crafting is a useful and simple way to both elevate core skills and improve your mental health. Because of these reasons, I believe crafting should be implemented more and become a daily part of people’s everyday lives.

What is your view on crafting?

My Home in Chennai

Since I’m now in Chennai, I decided to write a poem about my how wonderful it is to be back. This poem’s style is called Tricubes. The only rules are that each line should have 3 syllables, each stanza should have 3 lines, and each poem should have 3 stanzas. Therefore it is perfectly balanced with threes. I hope you enjoy!

My home in
Chennai, a
safe haven

A place to
be free with
no regrets

by people
who I love

What’s a place that you can escape to and will always feel safe in?

White Sands National Park

Recently, we went to New Mexico and visited many National Parks (as well as a state park). My favorite had to be White Sands National Park. The setting was beautiful and eerie and the look of the shining white dunes isn’t one I’ll forget any time soon. This is a poem I wrote inspired by the wildlife at White Sands. I hope you enjoy!

Sand Dunes
Don’t stay the same
They shift, flow, fall
With the everchanging Winds
always changing, always moving

Soaptree Yuccas
Keep their stem tall
So they never get swallowed by the dunes
They learn to say goodbye
For as each dune passes, they die

The Bleached Earless Lizard
Camouflages with its pale, pale skin
It scurries about the desert sands
Blending in with the pale, pale dunes
It really is a master of disguise

Darkling Beetles also called Stinkbugs
Stay the odd one out
They don’t try to blend in,
But to instead, to stand out
It is protected for both the sun’s rays and any predators

White Sands National Park
a biodiverse, stable ecosystem
Filled with creatures of every type
A marvelous adventure
And an amazing ride

Have you been to any National Parks? If yes, which ones are your favorite?

My Grandma’s Chocolate Recipe

When I was in India, my grandmother showed me how to make a quick and easy chocolate. The recipe was so simple, yet delicious. Now, back in the US, I decided to try it out again. It turned out really well, so I decided to share it with you!

  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 cup milk powder
  • 2 1/2 tsp cocoa powder
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • Water
  1. Grease a plate with a bit of butter.
  2. Sieve the milk and cocoa powders together.
  3. Soak the sugar in a bit of water, then bring it to a boil to dissolve the sugar. Keep on heat until it reaches a one-string consistancy.
  4. Turn off the heat and add the butter and milk and cocoa powders.
  5. Stir.
  6. Once fully incorporated, pour into the plate and let it set.
  7. Enjoy!

What’s a recipe you love!

My Favorite Indie Bookstores: Blue Willow

Indie bookstores are amazing ways to find new books. I love visiting them and finding new books to enjoy. Because of this, I decided to create a new series about some of the indie bookstores I love. I’ve decided to start with one of my favorite local bookstores- Blue Willow Bookshop.

Blue Willow Bookshop hosts many events, all of which are extremely entertaining. They’ve been hosting the Tween’s Read for a few years now, which is something I really enjoy visiting. Also, during COVID, they scheduled many author visits for the new books releasing during the pandemic. Some of my favorites have been with Rick Riordan, Rick Riordan Presents authors, and a one-on-one session with Soman Chainani.

I also love the atmosphere of Blue Willow. The shop is cozy and comforting and you can feel perfectly at ease within the shelves. All of the workers are helpful and they are always ready to lend you a hand.

What’s your favorite indie bookstore?


Days lazing at home
AC on, and so is the TV
Cuddled up close with my family
I’m finally in Chennai

Eating home-made food
Reading my old comfort books
Peaceful as can be
I’m back in Chennai

Family all around
Reconnecting face-to-face
No need for tiny screens
I’m in love with Chennai

Can’t wait to see the sights
Back after two years
Old and new combined
I’m marveling at Chennai

Packing up slowly
Never wanting to leave
But school starts again soon
I have to leave Chennai

Flying away through blue skies
Knowing I’ll be back soon
To this wonderful, wonderful place
I’ll always come back to Chennai

Back Home

In English class recently, I wrote a personal narrative about a life changing moment. Some parts of the story are fiction, but I enjoyed writing it a lot. I hope you enjoy!

Beep! Beep! Beep! Each of the passports were scanned with a beep and a blinding flash of neon green light. After living in Australia for the past two years, I was moving back to where I was born- Houston, Texas.

With my head and heart heavy, I dragged my dejected feet over to where my parents were standing. They seemed ecstatic, obviously glad that we were moving somewhere new.
“Aren’t you excited?” my dad asked, looking around with eager eyes.
I shook my head, feeling like a gloomy cloud had settled over my head and wouldn’t let go.
“Oh, don’t worry,” my mom declared, “It’ll be a blast!”
I twisted my mouth and shrugged, still not convinced. We walked past millions of restaurants filled with bored looking tourists and sharply dressed waiters. None of it reminded me of home.

I started to blink back tears before I realized it would be worthless. Soon, the floodgates would be opened. The only thing circling through my mind was how I wanted, no, needed to go back home.
I started sniffling and then I could tell that there was no going back. I started bawling in the middle of the airport. Tears and mucus dripped down my face as I thought of all my best memories in Australia.
“What’s wrong?” my mom asked, kneeling down next to me. I sniffed twice before getting in control again.
“I-sniff- miss-hiccup-home,”  my words brought on another round of tears as my mom waited patiently for me to calm down.

“Why do we have to go?” I almost shrieked. Somehow, I managed to keep quiet.
“For you, home is here,” my mom explained gently, “but for me, it’s in a lot of places and Houston is one of them. It’s also a great opportunity for me and Dada. The world is a big place and we are trying to learn more about it by traveling,” 
I nodded, my tears finally dawdling away. I was calmer now, and I understood more about the world, exactly what my mom wanted me to get from traveling.

This experience helped me think about how everyone sees the world differently and how it affects them. I am still an avid traveler today, because as my mom said 7 years ago, “It creates many opportunities in your world.”