Homecoming 2022

This year at my school, we had a Homecoming game and dance! Though I didn’t go to the game, I really enjoyed the dance and being able to see my friends and spend time with them.

One of the best parts was definitely being able to wear a pavadai to this event. Me and my other Indian friend had planned this for a while, so we showed up each wearing a matching outfit, her wearing pink and me wearing blue. I loved how we looked and the way we were able to show off our culture!

Another fun part about the dance was how it was set up. We had three areas we could go to- the gym, the cafeteria, or the patio.
In the gym, there was a lively and bustling environment, with a DJ and a crowd of people dancing along to the music.
In the cafeteria (where I mainly was), some teachers had candy and water, keeping us happy and hydrated. There was also a variety of songs playing and overall, the mood was bright.
Lastly, there was the chess patio. The patio was lit up beautifully, with strings of fairy lights surrounding the whole place. It has a calming atmosphere and was probably the nicest place throughout the dance.

All in all, the Homecoming dance was really fun and I enjoyed meeting all my friends with this and getting to spend 2 hours with them without having school work or anything else to focus on.

My In-Person School Experience

Over the last two weeks, I’ve been to my school thrice, twice for the STAAR (end of year tests) and once for a dance recording. I’ll also be going this week, on Wednesday or Thursday for another dance performance. These are the only times when I’ve actually been in the school (for more than 5 minutes) since March 2020. Being in school was really fun, but it did get boring after a while. Here’s how I felt during my few days at in-person school.

I interacted with a lot more people than I usually do (that’s to be expected, of course). It was nice (and I’ll admit, slightly unusual) to talk to people normally. I saw people who I had never seen before. Another fun part was meeting my teachers. I’ve also only seen them through a screen, so it was nice to meet them face-to-face.

Then there was the boring part. After we took the STAAR and ate lunch, we sat in the auditorium for the rest of the day (about 3 hours). Our classes gave us “do-nows” (simple and quick work) which didn’t last long. We had to rely on what we had to entertain us (book, paper, computer, etc.). I did have enough to do luckily, but I did get bored. Overall, I will say that it was a fun time, mainly because I got to see a lot of my friends and teachers, and had a few fun conversations with them. Have you gone in-person to your school or work yet this weird year? If yes, did you enjoy the experience?

Vanilla Berry Lotion

I wrote a short story for my writing class recently. Our prompt was to write a story about any object on our desk. I wrote a realistic fiction story about my vanilla berry lotion.

I open the lotion jar and sniff its contents. The smell floods my body, sending warm and happy tingles all the way down. I close the lid, but not before taking one last longing smell. I follow Mom throughout the beauty shop, my mind still on that sweet lotion. All I know is that I must have it before it runs out, because surely a lotion with such a smell would run out soon. “Tara!”my mom snaps. I jolt to attention, not sure if she had been calling my name before. “Well?” she asks. I guiltily shrug, not able to picture what she might have been talking about. Mom sighs, exasperated and narrows her eyes at me. “I said,” she repeats,” that I am going to buy something here. I also asked you if you wanted to get anything.” I leap up, my eyes shining bright. I could get anything I wanted! I race to the front of the store, pick up the lotion and race back. My mom laughs at how quickly I’ve chosen. We pay and go home.

To this day, I still love the scent of that lotion and keep it on my desk as a reminder of that happy, lucky day.

Author Biography

In my WITS writing camp, we had to write a 5-10 line author biography about ourselves. Here is mine!

The Mint Girl is an acclaimed author and TV host. She is most famous for her books Say it Like it is and its sister, Say it Like You Mean it. She hosts the game show What Do you Mean?. She has 3 cats and a hedgehog. She lives in Honolulu, Hawaii and has dreamt about going to live in Japan. Her next book, The Best Place to Live?, is coming out in September and is highly anticipated. 

When she’s not writing, you can find the Mint Girl reading, dancing, and ziplining. You can connect with her on Instagram.

What will your dream author bio look like?

Board Games to Play with Your Family

During the quarantine, I am spending a lot more time with my family. Board games are really fun to play (even if some of them are a bit long). They bring my family together and we can spend a lot of time laughing over these games. These are some of my favorite fun driven games. I do play some strategy board games like Photosynthesis and 7 Wonders, though.


This is a drawing/writing version of the classic game, Telephone. This game relies on your artistic ability and your interpretive ability (don’t worry, the worse you draw, the funnier it is). Keep passing your board until you end up with yours. My family’s favorite part about this game was when we shared how our first word had evolved into something totally different. I was always in fits of laughter during this game and I definitely recommend it.

Double Ditto:

This game is perfect for all ages. Try to choose the same answers as your opponents and score a “double ditto”! Before the time is up, you should have written 2 answers for a topic which you think everyone else would write. My family’s favorite part about this game is when we compare the answers and see how alike we thought.


This game challenges how you describe a job, an object, a movie, and many more. With the transparent cards that are included, you get to act out something that you choose. My family’s favorite part was when we tried very hard to get it but to no avail.

Sushi Go!:

This game is very fun and easy. You’ll start collecting cards and trying to score the most points quickly. This game has 3 rounds and is very enjoyable. My family’s favorite part about this game is when we compare and hand out the points accordingly. Another fun thing about the game is the types of food. There are nigiris, puddings, sashimis and so much more!

These are some of my favorite games to play. What are yours?

Mint Girl Goes Ziplining

When I went on my vacation to Langkawi, I was pretty surprised that our hotel was in the midst of a forest. The landscape there was very pretty and the animals galore.We saw so many trees and the water on the beach was very clear. The hotel atmosphere was very calming and the staff was very nice. We took some tours that let us see some of the best and most interesting creatures. One of my favorite parts of the trip was spotting a colugo and the other was ziplining.

I had been wanting to zipline for a long time but I was quite nervous. At Umgawa, I didn’t have to worry. The instructors there were very nice and walked us through the guidelines. We walked for some time and came to our first line. It was a practice line and I was nervous, but ready. When I flew through the air, I leaned back and relaxed. I felt so free flying through the forest.

The scenery was beautiful and I loved every second of it.Nothing could beat seeing the Andaman Sea or a waterfall on your side while flying through the forest. I spotted a whole family of dusky leaf monkeys leaping through the trees. A few of them had babies and they all played with each other. I found this to be a super cute scene. We also saw tons of butterflies flitting around the trees. My favorite animal of the day, though, was the hawk we saw. We saw it two times. Once when we were walking on one of the rope bridges and before we abseiled(went down).

I definitely recommend Umgawa to any family looking for adventures, wildlife(pictures), and tons of fun.

Friendsgiving Party 2017

In 2017, I hosted a Friendsgiving party. All of my besties came . We played games, ate delicious food, and had tons of fun.

I treasure all of my friends greatly and I wanted to have a party / play date with all of them. Thanksgiving was coming up soon and I wanted to do something fun with all of my friends. Then I had a great idea. Why not smash the two together and have a Friendsgiving party? I explained the idea to my mom and she agreed. I was going to host a Friendsgiving party!

My mom and I brought decorations way ahead of time. We bought some orange and silver tassel curtains, photo booth supplies, and a cute sign that read “Welcome Friends”. We decided on colors for the party would be blue and orange. I got a very fall-ish attire. A blue dress with fall leggings and a fall scarf.

We decided to do a mix of Indian and American foods. We had apple cinnamon pie poundcake bites,And muffins, mini colored idlies (an Indian food), and turkey cranberry pecan sandwiches. We had apple juice cider and apple pie punch to drink. All of the food was good and my friends and I couldn’t stop eating. Finally, we all went upstairs to play games. After about an hour, everyone’s parents came to pick them up. I’ve always remembered that day as the best day of my life.