As a part of my WITS writing camp, I wrote a science fiction story. Using the Namibia desert as inspiration, I wrote a story about a 10 year old girl from Saturn.
“All buckled in?” my dad called from the front of the ship. I rolled my eyes. “I’m ten. I know when to buckle in” I replied. He sighed. “Just making sure. Saturn’s atmosphere might give us a bit of trouble.” “Then why are we even going? What’s so great on Earth that we need to leave Bao Mi and Sila and Moila behind?” “We know that you’ll feel more at peace there,” Mom reminded gently,”and we have decided to go to a little island near the- hmmm, what was it called? Oh that’s right!- the Bahamas! You’ll love it there!” “Ok, let me get my facts straight. We’re going to an island which you barely know the name of, where you think I’ll be happy, we’re leaving behind my greatest supporter, my sister and best friend, and my pet, and you didn’t even ask my opinion? Well thanks, I know I’ll be really happy there.” I said sarcastically.Β I grabbed my headphones and cranked up the volume. It had started as a normal Saturday. Mom, Dad, and I had gone to get ice cream at Burgle burg’s , but instead of going there they took me to the spaceship. I didn’t know we were going to Earth until we got to the landing dock. Dad proudly looked back, only to see my horrified expression. That’s when we had started this whole argument. We took off, flying at an incredible rate. As we were flying over Earth, our system suddenly malfunctioned and we started to fall. We fell at an alarming rate until we fell into a pile of sand. “I told you this wasn’t a good idea” I told my parents. They sighed. “Let’s go explore for some time,” I suggested. We explored the dry and barren plains.Β As we reached the end, I drew out a crystal ball. They gasped. “Where did you get that from?” my mom asked. She couldn’t contain her shock. I grinned. “Moila,” I replied as casually as I could. “Arnan, what was the name of that island again?” Mom asked Dad. “Mmm, I think it was Lofu,” he replied. Mom turned excitedly to me. “Beam us to Lofu!” I ignored her. “If it’s my ball, shouldn’t I choose?” I asked. “Fine” Mom couldn’t hide her frustration with me. “Beam me back to Saturn” I whispered. “No!” Dad yelled and ran for me. Mom grabbed him back, “No Arnan. If that’s what she wants, then she can have it.””But Frugi,” Dad protested. Suddenly a beam of light hit us and we started to rise up. I felt the pressure, but I knew that I could handle it. Suddenly, we were in Saturn! I ran home and hugged everyone. My mom and dad watched silently from the doorway. I didn’t care. I was happy and glad to be home and I knew that I would never try to go back to Earth.
This is my first attempt in writing science fiction. I really enjoyed it. I hope you like it too!