A Science-Fiction Story

As a part of my WITS writing camp, I wrote a science fiction story. Using the Namibia desert as inspiration, I wrote a story about a 10 year old girl from Saturn.

“All buckled in?” my dad called from the front of the ship. I rolled my eyes. “I’m ten. I know when to buckle in” I replied. He sighed. “Just making sure. Saturn’s atmosphere might give us a bit of trouble.” “Then why are we even going? What’s so great on Earth that we need to leave Bao Mi and Sila and Moila behind?” “We know that you’ll feel more at peace there,” Mom reminded gently,”and we have decided to go to a little island near the- hmmm, what was it called? Oh that’s right!- the Bahamas! You’ll love it there!” “Ok, let me get my facts straight. We’re going to an island which you barely know the name of, where you think I’ll be happy, we’re leaving behind my greatest supporter, my sister and best friend, and my pet, and you didn’t even ask my opinion? Well thanks, I know I’ll be really happy there.” I said sarcastically.Β  I grabbed my headphones and cranked up the volume. It had started as a normal Saturday. Mom, Dad, and I had gone to get ice cream at Burgle burg’s , but instead of going there they took me to the spaceship. I didn’t know we were going to Earth until we got to the landing dock. Dad proudly looked back, only to see my horrified expression. That’s when we had started this whole argument. We took off, flying at an incredible rate. As we were flying over Earth, our system suddenly malfunctioned and we started to fall. We fell at an alarming rate until we fell into a pile of sand. “I told you this wasn’t a good idea” I told my parents. They sighed. “Let’s go explore for some time,” I suggested. We explored the dry and barren plains.Β  As we reached the end, I drew out a crystal ball. They gasped. “Where did you get that from?” my mom asked. She couldn’t contain her shock. I grinned. “Moila,” I replied as casually as I could. “Arnan, what was the name of that island again?” Mom asked Dad. “Mmm, I think it was Lofu,” he replied. Mom turned excitedly to me. “Beam us to Lofu!” I ignored her. “If it’s my ball, shouldn’t I choose?” I asked. “Fine” Mom couldn’t hide her frustration with me. “Beam me back to Saturn” I whispered. “No!” Dad yelled and ran for me. Mom grabbed him back, “No Arnan. If that’s what she wants, then she can have it.””But Frugi,” Dad protested. Suddenly a beam of light hit us and we started to rise up. I felt the pressure, but I knew that I could handle it. Suddenly, we were in Saturn! I ran home and hugged everyone. My mom and dad watched silently from the doorway. I didn’t care. I was happy and glad to be home and I knew that I would never try to go back to Earth.

This is my first attempt in writing science fiction. I really enjoyed it. I hope you like it too!

Author Biography

In my WITS writing camp, we had to write a 5-10 line author biography about ourselves. Here is mine!

The Mint Girl is an acclaimed author and TV host. She is most famous for her books Say it Like it is and its sister, Say it Like You Mean it. She hosts the game show What Do you Mean?. She has 3 cats and a hedgehog. She lives in Honolulu, Hawaii and has dreamt about going to live in Japan. Her next book, The Best Place to Live?, is coming out in September and is highly anticipated.Β 

When she’s not writing, you can find the Mint Girl reading, dancing, and ziplining. You can connect with her on Instagram.

What will your dream author bio look like?

Board Games to Play with Your Family

During the quarantine, I am spending a lot more time with my family. Board games are really fun to play (even if some of them are a bit long). They bring my family together and we can spend a lot of time laughing over these games. These are some of my favorite fun driven games. I do play some strategy board games like Photosynthesis and 7 Wonders, though.


This is a drawing/writing version of the classic game, Telephone. This game relies on your artistic ability and your interpretive ability (don’t worry, the worse you draw, the funnier it is). Keep passing your board until you end up with yours. My family’s favorite part about this game was when we shared how our first word had evolved into something totally different. I was always in fits of laughter during this game and I definitely recommend it.

Double Ditto:

This game is perfect for all ages. Try to choose the same answers as your opponents and score a “double ditto”! Before the time is up, you should have written 2 answers for a topic which you think everyone else would write. My family’s favorite part about this game is when we compare the answers and see how alike we thought.


This game challenges how you describe a job, an object, a movie, and many more. With the transparent cards that are included, you get to act out something that you choose. My family’s favorite part was when we tried very hard to get it but to no avail.

Sushi Go!:

This game is very fun and easy. You’ll start collecting cards and trying to score the most points quickly. This game has 3 rounds and is very enjoyable. My family’s favorite part about this game is when we compare and hand out the points accordingly. Another fun thing about the game is the types of food. There are nigiris, puddings, sashimis and so much more!

These are some of my favorite games to play. What are yours?


Courage is trying something new

Courage is following your heart even when you’re not sure

Courage is knowing when to stop, but still being able to step out,

just a little bit,

out of your comfort zone

Courage is helping,

Courage is doing,

Courage is being kind.

We are made of courage

and we are here because of courage.

We need to be brave for ourselves and others.

In this world, we need to be courageous and share our voices. We need to be kind and open-minded. Be brave and kind! We can do this

5 things to do when you’re quarantining

Like most people, I’m quarantining at home and I get bored pretty easily. So, I thought of some ideas for you guys to do when you’re at home. Some of these, you have to do with a parent, but others you can do by yourself.

01. Start a Craft:

When you’re quarantined, you have all the time in the world to start a craft(and finish itπŸ˜€). I recently finished a sewing project and now I’m making a pom-pom garland. These crafts are fun and you can do most of them when your parent is busy.

02. Take a Walk or Bike:

Just because you have to be at least 6 feet away from someone, that doesn’t mean you have to stay indoors. Go outside and get some fresh air, but don’t be too close to anyone. A breath of fresh air feels so good after being cooped up in your house

03. Play Some Games:

After your parents are done working, play a game with them. They will be happy (it’s a break after their stressful and crazy day) and you will be too (you can spend time with them, laughing and having fun).

04. Do Some Work:

This is an odd suggestion, but you can’t just sit around all day doing nothing. Working puts your brain to use and you are still developing your skills. At home, I usually do math, reading/writing, and science. This is a great time to practice/ learn something new like a new language or a skill. I’m learning geography, the periodic table, and some new recipes.

05. Chat or video call with your friends and family:

Your friends and family are in the same situation as you are. When you talk to them, they’ll feel happy and you might learn more. You can text them or video chat them. I talk with my family and some of my best friends regularly.

I also like having a to-do list which I consult to see what I can do. This is really useful, because it helps me keep track of the day and what I’m doing.

Stay safe!

Mint Girl Reads Stories For South Asian Super Girls by Raj Kaur Khaira

I have recently read Stories For South Asian Super Girls by Raj Kaur Khaira. This is a book where you learn about many south Asian wonder women in today’s world. This is a nonfiction book about strong Asian women from Jhansi Ki Rani (amazing warrior queen) to Hannah Simone ( an actor). This book is chock-full of interesting facts and it has the best illustrations.I love this book.

This book tells you about all the amazing things women can do. They fight for their rights and can become role-models. This book earns a big thumbs-up from me.

International Women’s Day is a day where we celebrate all the strong women in the world and think about how women have come a long way from where we begun.It’s a day where we remember how far we have to go and think about achieving our goal.Happy Woman’s Day! 😁


This MLK Day, I read a poem about Martin Luther King. Then I thought about how the world could be a better place.

The world would be a better place if we could all just sit down to talk instead of fighting. The country’s leader and a few representatives of his or her choice should go.

If we only fight, we’ll lose many of our citizens. Those citizens can be very useful in our nation and their families. If we lose too many volunteers a nation can fall. Families shouldn’t have to lose one of their members just because of war

Millions of people flee their homes and native land to get away from war. Families separate and lose their precious belongings. I don’t think anyone should have to lose any item that they loved and start over in a place they don’t know.

Countries can waste a lot of money on war. Stocking up enough weapons to fight back strongly takes a lot of money. If we could talk it out , it won’t cost anywhere near that amount of money.

This is my idea of a better world. Please tell me how you think the world would be a better place in the comments. Just like MLK, I have a dream.

The Ocean

I see the ocean

So majestic, so wide, so blue

Furious…but calm

Choppy…but smooth

A beach in Chennai

Deep Turquoise and Dark Blues

Fill the space

Waves crash and Fish play

In the most majestic place

Down Below

A beach in Corpus Christi


Come and Go

In and Out

With the flow

An ocean in The Bahamas

Choppy…But smooth

Furious…But calm

So majestic,So wide, So blue

A soothing balm

To my soul

The Ocean